Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Turn the Page...

I'm 52 years old.

Some would call this 'middle age' although I doubt I'll live to be over I'd say I'm past the 'middle' part.  

Is it too late to start something new in my life? 

Is it too late to take my finger and turn the page?

I think it's the perfect time to begin a new chapter. 

It's interesting to reach a time when I've raised our four children and I see them beginning to make their own way in the world.  My time as a mom has evolved into more of an observer rather than an active participant.  They don't need me as much as they did when they were little.  As my husband says, 'We've done our job with the kids.'

Besides being a mom, being a wife has been the other most important part of me.  In the fall of this year, Ed and I will celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary.  I've loved him since junior high school.  We've been blessed with a lasting and a loving relationship.  We found our life partner on the first try.  Not many can say they met their kindred spirit at age 12. 

We all make sacrifices in our lives.

For our spouse.

For our kids.

For our family.

The path our life takes revolves around decisions made with so many others in mind. 

Turn the page.

I went back to college when I was in my 30's to complete a degree in Elementary Ed. I wanted to teach.  

To have my own classroom.  

For over a decade, I was in and out of several classes within the local school district.  I was a one-on-one aide.  I was a special education aide.  Then, once I finished my degree, I subbed in elementary schools, at the junior high, and at the high school.  

I loved it.

Our kids were still growing up and my job coincided well with what they were doing. 
But, I still hadn't had my own classroom.
Most recently, I worked for our family at a local daycare as the PreK teacher.  While it wasn't in a school district, I loved having a classroom of my own!

It was a wonderful time.  

I took a leave of absence to care for my mother-in-law and needed the past several months to get back in-sync after her death.  I left the daycare behind as I sorted things out.  

Recently, I was sitting at the kitchen table with my son, Brody.  He told me he thought I needed to teach again.  He made a comment about me being born to work with kids.  He said he thought I needed to get back into the classroom.  While his words warmed me, I truly thought the time for that had passed.  

I didn't think teaching in a school district was in the cards for me.

Turn the page.

It's happened rather quickly.

Within the last two weeks, I was offered a teaching position.

I accepted.

It's with a school district I've never worked for before and it's a position I've never taught before.  

It's going to be a challenge.

It's exactly what I need at this time in my life.  

The position allows for me to go back to college for an additional endorsement.  Besides being a teacher, I've always enjoyed being a student, too.  Now, I get to do both.  

And...I'll have my own classroom.  


Being 52 is not bad at all.  It's allowing me something different and something new.  
Everything has prepared me for this new chapter.

I'll be working for Four Rivers Special Education District as a Multiple Disabilities teacher.

I'll be going back to college to get my LBS-1 endorsement.  

It was 18 years ago when I first stepped into a special ed classroom to work for Kim Nelson's TMH room as an aide.  Now, she's going to be my 'boss' again as I walk into my own special ed class.  

Who could have known my journey would take me here?

Turn the page. 

My story isn't over.

This chapter is only beginning.

It is what it is.