It's a new régime in South Jacksonville.
Resignations and a retirement have cleaned the slate of local officials with names appearing within an investigation conducted by the Illinois State Police.
We have a new acting-Village President, Steve Waltrip, along with the remaining five trustees.
I've attended several of the meetings these past months.
I've sat.
I've listened.
I've been shocked by some of what I've heard. I've been appalled by others.
But, as I see it, this is a new beginning. A fresh start.
The list of items the Village President and trustees face is immense. I would imagine there are numerous housecleaning issues to attend to even before the actual governmental work begins. This is what we would all expect to go through when starting a new position.
Any time you have a complete changing of the guard, there has to be an element of starting from scratch. Even assuming the now-exited officials left everything in perfect working order and ready to go, and I think it's safe to say that probably isn't the case, there would still be a learning curve.
Those of us in the community, who have watched this play out, are still where we were when it all began.
In the audience.
Watching and critiquing. And, yes, criticizing.
The remaining officials, however, are in the midst of the massive fall-out from the actions of their former peers.
As we approach Thursday nights' regularly-scheduled Village Board meeting, let's keep in mind that the mountain of work before the Board is weighing heavily on their minds.
I will, gladly, give them a chance to breathe.
I will, gladly, give them a chance to breathe.
I have become used to, and admittedly sometimes immune to, the speakers who have repeatedly asked for the now resigned/retired officials to step-down due to alleged wrong-doing. The ethics commissions findings have elevated that to the next level and it is in the proper hands now. We can get on with the business of the Village while another entity sorts that out. The tenacity of residents paid off. Finally. Bravo!
That's exactly what we wanted, right?
So, I would expect Thursday's meeting to be a normal Village Board meeting with no uproars. No challenges.
It took a Village to accomplish what has been done so far.
We need to let the Board do their job now. It may not be as quickly as we'd like in some instances, but they deserve some leeway here.
It's been truly incredible to see the outpouring of support from Village residents wanting to do the right thing. Goals have been accomplished.
Now, let's give our new President and the Board a chance to show what they want for our Village. A chance to prove themselves to us without attacking them for issues which were, in many cases, beyond their control.
Input is worthwhile.
Input is essential.
Input has its place.
There is something to be said for knowing when to step back and knowing when to give some space.
It took a Village.
We now have a voice.
Voices can sometimes be silent until there's a need to be heard.
It is what it is.