I'm one of those mom's who feels being a mother to my children is the single most important job I have ever had.
Professionally, I'm just coming into my own as an educator and feeling like I have a separate identity besides 'mom.' I absolutely love what I do. But, an income-driven job, which fills my bank account, is much less rewarding than the one which fills my heart.
Being a mom has always been what motivates me.
Being a mom has always been what fulfills me.
I remember back to when I had given birth to our first son, Braxton. My Grandma Belobrajdic was still alive and she looked at me while I was holding him. She said, "You're going to be such a good mother." I've repeated this story many, many times over the years. As she said that, I felt a calm come over me and I never once doubted my abilities to be a mom from that moment on.
While I am realistic enough to know there are many times I've failed my kids because I could have made different choices or ones which would have better fit a certain situation, I also know each decision I made or will make is done with their best interests in mind.
Everything is based on love for those four.
As our kids have grown into adults, I marvel at their successes. They've each achieved more than I ever had dreamed.
I feel their successes are my successes.
What I'm most proud of is how they treat the people in their lives. I don't necessarily mean only the people they love, but everyone they run across.
The hardest part of being a parent is knowing your kids see and hear all you do.
You are the first example in their lives. It can be daunting and overwhelming to always be the one your children model themselves after.
My own mom was the best example of this I can remember. While she had distinct opinions of how people should act or react in any given situation, she treated people with kindness and respect. "Kill them with kindness," she would say. She was one of the kindest people I've ever known.
I haven't tried to fool myself that I am anywhere as compassionate or caring as my mom was, but I do feel I try extremely hard to follow her example.
She would be so happy to see her grandchildren have inherited her genuinely kind heart.
I feel their successes are my successes.
Today, our son Blaize is starting a new job in Chicago. It's a big step for him. While this is a professional success and I'm thrilled for the opportunities it will allow him, I am even prouder of the large community of friends and colleagues he has amassed since moving to the windy city a few years ago. His energy, empathy, and enthusiasm toward others gives him a solid base for a successful life.
He's succeeding because of who he is.
He's succeeding because of how he treats people.
These are the days I cherish.
All we want, as mom's, is to give the world the best of us...in the form of our kids.
Our next generation.
May my kids continue to be better than I am.
May they continue to treat others with more kindness than I have.
Isn't that success?
It is what it is.
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